Posted on November 6th, 2023 to Uncategorized

The ACRPC Newsletter contains Addison County announcements, events, grants, and training for the upcoming month. Click below to see this newsletter and other resources on our website. Please contact Deron Rixon with questions, [email protected] 

Call for Proposals for Clean Water Projects

As the Clean Water Service Provider (CWSP) for the Otter Creek Basin, ACRPC is Issuing a request for proposals for projects that improve water quality in Basin 3. Any proposed projects must be consistent with the Clean Water Initiative Program (CWIP) Funding Policy. Applicants must consult with DEC staff on potential project impacts on natural resources, like wetlands or river corridors and to give DEC 30 days to review project impacts. For more information, read the full RFP Here. If you have any questions you can contact Mike Winslow by email at [email protected].

Basin 3 Tactical Basin Plan Update & Public Survey

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is in the process of developing the 5-year update for the Basin 3 Tactical Basin Plan. The basin consists of the Otter Creek, Little Otter Creek, and Lewis Creek watersheds. ANR is asking for your feedback in this survey to better understand your knowledge, concerns, and activities in relation to water quality in the Otter Creek Basin (Basin 3) both locally and watershed wide. Tactical Basin Plans (TBP) are strategic guidebooks for improving watershed health. They identify surface waters in need of restoration and protection, outline a list of actions to achieve water quality goals, and identify partners and funding critical to implementing the actions. This survey can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes based on the level of detail you provide for the questions.

November Calendar

Date TimeMeeting
November 8th5:30PMHousing Committee Meeting
November 8th7:00PMFull Commission Meeting
November 15th6:30PMTAC Meeting
November 20th5:00PMEnergy Committee Meeting
November 22nd6:30PMExecutive Board Meeting
November 30th10:00AMTRTP Training at ACRPC
Please find the meeting agendas and minutes on our website using this link.

This newsletter is financed through the State of Vermont Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the State of Vermont. All programs of the Addison County Regional Planning Commission are ADA accessible.

Local Food Purchase Assistance Plus Program Open!

The Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets is excited to announce the release of the Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA) Plus grant opportunity! This program is administered by the USDA via the Agency of Agriculture and provides funds for purchasing Vermont produced foods. The primary goal of the program is to procure Vermont food products from socially disadvantaged farmers and producers for distribution to underserved communities. Project awards will range from $15,000 to $60,000 with no match requirement. A total of $500,000 is available to award. Applications close December 12th at 2pm and you can learn more about the program here!

Open Zoning Administrator Position in Vergennes!

The City of Vergennes has an opening for a part-time Zoning Administrator. The zoning administrator has ultimate responsibility for all matters relating to the interpretation and enforcement of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations, subject to review or appeals defined in the regulations. Duties include all of the usual Zoning Administrator tasks:

  • Answer applicant and/or citizen questions regarding City zoning and subdivision regulations;
  • Process, rule, and monitor compliance of zoning permits in a timely fashion;
  • Prepare Certificates of Compliance and Occupancy as required;
  • Investigate reported and potential zoning violations and take appropriate action;
  • Provide administrative support to the Planning Commission and the Development Review Board

This is a one person department, 12 hours per week, with both office and on-call time included. Desirable qualifications include direct experience in zoning activities; experience interacting with the public; facility with computer programs. Pay is negotiable depending on experience. 

Apply with submission of resume and letter of intent to Ron Redmond, City Manager, PO Box 35, Vergennes, VT 05491, [email protected], and Shannon Haggett, Chair, Vergennes Planning Commission, [email protected].

If other municipalities need a zoning administrator and would be willing to support creating a full time position that would serve multiple municipalities, please speak with Vergennes and ACRPC. ACPRC would be willing to host and support such a position

Snow Bowl Open House and Artisan Market – November 11

Get ready for a day filled with laughter, adventure, and the spirit of the season. Mark your calendar, spread the word, and head over to Middlebury Snowbowl’s Open House—it’s the ultimate kickoff to an unforgettable winter! Come and enjoy live music, food, door prizes, family fun and an authentic Vermont artisan market. The event is from 9am to 3pm and admission is free.

ACRPC Hosting Transportation Resilience Planning Tool (TRPT) Training – November 30

Participants will learn how to navigate the tool, apply the results to prioritize needs, and inform the development and evaluation of alternatives to mitigate flood vulnerability. This training is intended to educate a wide variety of users, including municipal staff, project designers, professional planners, state agency staff, and other regional and non-profit organizations. Lunch provided!

Register to attend using either options below:

1 State/Municipal/RPC staff with a VT LMS Account: Register online.

  • Access the SOV LMS and search “TRPT” and select the appropriate date. (LMS FAQ & User Guide).

2 Email the Regional Host RPC and Provide:

  • Contact information (Name, Affiliation, Email and/or Phone)
  • Confirm session date of interest

Contact Mike Winslow, ACRPC ([email protected]; 802-578-9999

RSVP by November 27th (for lunch count). Attendees may register after this date however, lunch may not be provided.

Learn More Here

Emergency Management
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
The HMGP program is funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is administered by Vermont Emergency Management on behalf of the state. Typically, federal funds are available to cover up to 75% of approved project costs; and there is a 25% local match requirement that is the responsibility of the applicant town. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis as funding is available. HMGP applications must be completed in their entirety, including maps, list of alternative proposals, engineering plans, hydrology studies (if needed) and a full benefit-cost analysis (BCA) in the FEMA-approved format, if applicable.Learn More: Here | Due: Spring 2024
2023 VOREC Community Grant Program
The Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) are  pleased to announce that the applications for the 2023-2024 VOREC Community Grant Program are open! The program will award up to $6 million to communities around the state. Projects will be funded across four tracks –Implementation, Project Development, Outdoor Equity and Flood Recovery. Learn More: Here Apply: Here
New Manufactured Home Improvement & Repair Program Launched
Vermont State Housing Authority has launched the Manufactured Home Improvement & Repair Program. The program will provide financial assistance for park improvements, home repair and foundation installation. Learn More: Here.
Community Recovery and Revitalization Program 
Program guidelines have been posted on the ACCD website and the application is OPEN NOW. The Community Recovery and Revitalization Program (CRRP) will provide recovery funding for projects that spur economic recovery and revitalization to mitigate the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 in communities across the state.   Learn more: Here | Due: Rolling basis 
Accessibility, Equity, & Inclusion
Vermont Healthy Communities
VDH and DHCD invite eligible Vermont communities* and residents over 18 years of age to apply for the Health Equity and Community Design Technical Assistance (TA)Pilot which provides extra capacity and resources and helps prepare communities that are interested in the DHCD’s Better Places placemaking grants. Closes in October | Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]
VCF Equitable and Inclusive Communities grant 
The Vermont Community Foundation is seeking proposals from Vermont villages, towns, and cities that close the opportunity gap by supporting local efforts to foster inclusion and belonging for people of all races and backgrounds. The Foundation offers grants of up to $10,000 to fund projects that generate a greater sense of community and equity education in town. Learn more: Here | Due: rolling basis.
Weatherization Repayment Assistance Program
WRAP will allow Vermont households to pay for qualifying weatherization projects like insulation and air sealing as well as heat pumps and advanced wood heating systems through a monthly charge on their utility bill that can be paid back over time. The program is open to Vermonters of all incomes and both homeowners and renters can participate in the program. Learn more: Here 
Natural Resources
DEC Water Quality Project Development Block Grants
ACRPC is administering a 2022 Environmental Conservation (DEC) Project Development Block Grant to subgrant up to $34,000 to develop water quality improvement projects. Funds should be used for getting landowners, municipalities and other partners “on board” with projects to improve water quality and to move those projects towards design and implementation. All project work, invoicing and reporting must be complete by July 1, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and can be sent to Hannah Andrew [email protected]. Learn More: Here.
VT Urban & Community Forestry Grant Programs – Nearly $500,000 available for urban and community forest projects!

Communities Caring for Canopies
Projects must relate to urban and community forestry in public ways and places or at public educational institutions. 

~$70,000 available
~$5,000 min, $20,000 max award
~Projects must be completed by 10/31/2025

2024 Growing Urban Forests in the Face of Emerald Ash Borer
Projects must include one or more of the following. Removal of Ash trees located in public ways or places, tree planting in public ways or places in proximity to ash tree removals, and/or tree planting on private property, provided the municipality or applicant coordinates planting and approved permissions and agreements are in place.

~$125,000 available
~$5,000 min, $50,000 max award
~Projects must be completed by 10/31/2025
Eligibility: Projects must take place within 1 mile radius of designated areas through VT ACCD designation programs

2024 Urban & Community Forestry Grants
Projects should create and foster more resilient urban forests by increasing and maintaining a healthy urban tree canopy and access to nature. Projects must take place in or must directly serve at least one disadvantaged community. 

~$300,000 available
~$5,000 min, $50,000 max award
~Projects must be completed by 1/5/2026

Due: January 5, 2024 | Learn More: Here
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) & Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Program (MHSMP)
VTrans is accepting applications for projects to receive more than a total of $5.8 million in funding through two different programs.

TAP: $4.3 million of grant funding is available for activities described in the VT Transportation Alternatives Fall 2023 Application GuideLearn More: HereApply: Here

MHSMP: $1.5 million in funding is available through the Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Program. Learn More: Here. Apply: Here

Applications are due by email by December 8, 2023.
Vermont Better Roads Program
The Vermont Agency of Transportation is pleased to announce the 27th year of funding to support projects on municipal roads that improve water quality and result in maintenance cost savings. The grant funds are provided by the VT Agency of Transportation with partnership through the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. The Vermont Better Roads Program promotes the use of erosion control and maintenance techniques that save money while protecting and enhancing water quality around the State. Learn More: Here. Apply: Here
Applications Due by email by December 20, 2023
Intersections Initiative
The initiative helps build capacity to apply for infrastructure funding to support active and public transportation projects and identify the policies and practices that make this a reality. In addition to the technical assistance offered by this program, the initiative has also developed an extremely useful funding sheet for bike/ ped infrastructure. Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected] 

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