Municipal Planning & Local Government

One of the primary goals of ACRPC is to provide its member municipalities with planning expertise, technical assistance, data, and mapping resources to help them plan for future development.

Each communities’ page on this website contains information devoted to municipal planning efforts and includes links to the following information:

    1. U.S. Census information: The U.S. Census provides the most accurate and comprehensive database regarding municipal statistics addressing population, households, income and a variety of other demographic data about a municipalities’ population. The information can provide a quick and useful statistical overview of each municipality including how it compares to Addison County, the State of Vermont or the United States.
    2. Town road/highway information: Each communities’ page includes a current road name map and related transportation information.
    3. Municipal website links: Nearly every municipality in Addison County has created a website and populated it with information about itself. These links provide quick access to pertinent information about the municipalities in the Addison Region.

Other useful resources for municipalities:

  1. Links referencing some of our favorite websites are provided throughout this website, usually under the specific program or related service.
  2. Information that municipalities might use to help improve their governance, community planning efforts and bylaws are also found at and .
  3. Information on flood resiliency planning:

ACRPC Presentations Available Upon Request

Please contact any staff member at the Addison County Regional Planning Commission to schedule a presentation listed below:

  • Essentials of Local Government
  • Land Use Planning and Regulations in Vermont
  • A Citizen’s Guide to Community-Based Mapping
  • Integrating Forest Blocks and Habitat Connectivity in Your Municipal Plan
  • Energy Planning and Implementation: Resources and Guidance for Addison County

Local Government Committee

The Local Government Committee conducts regional review of municipal plans for communities requesting regional confirmation of their planning process and regional approval of their municipal plan. In addition, the Local Government Committee also brings ACRPC’s programs, services and training opportunities to local governments and solicits ideas from local government for ACRPC to provide improved content and educational opportunities to serve the needs of ACRPC’s member municipalities.

Committee Members

  • Shannon Haggett, Chair
  • Steve DeCarlo
  • Andrew Manning
  • Sharon Macedo
  • Jim Pulver
  • Jennifer Erwin
  • Diane Benware
  • Lisa Sausville


Meetings are schedule on an as needed basis. Meeting minutes are posted here.

Staff Contact

Katie Raycroft-Meyer

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