The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is the main vehicle for local input into transportation planning at the state and federal level. This committee is composed of one locally appointed member from each town in the county. It is responsible for maintaining, updating, and driving the implementation of the Regional Transportation Plan. The TAC is also responsible for identifying and prioritizing transportation projects in the region and providing local input and direction to VTrans, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the state and federal delegations regarding the transportation needs of the Addison county community as seen from the local perspective. In addition, every year the TAC sponsors several transportation feasibility studies directly for the towns. Two such examples are intersection studies and sidewalk feasibility studies.
Addison County Regional Transportation Plan
The Addison County Regional Planning Commission, with assistance from DuBois & King, Inc. updated the Addison County Regional Transportation Plan. in 2018.

Transportation Advisory Committee
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is composed of delegates from the region’s 21 municipalities. Each municipality may have a delegate and an alternate. Alternates represent the municipality when the delegates cannot. The TAC was formed to provide local input to the VT Agency of Transportation, to identify needs and to develop transportation improvement programs. You can review the TAC Bylaws here and the TAC Agendas & Minutes here.
TAC Delegate Duties
Each April, the Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC) asks all municipalities in the region to appoint representatives to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), an ad-hoc subcommittee of the Regional Planning Commission for a one-year term. Each municipality has one delegate and one alternate to the TAC.
The Transportation Advisory Committee was formed to provide local input and involvement in the transportation planning process. The TAC is responsible for updating the Regional Transportation Plan, recommending transportation-related planning studies and projects in the region, and commenting on transportation policy. The TAC also is responsible for establishing local priority for capital program projects that are in the project development process. The TAC works with regional planning commission staff, VTrans, and other agencies and officials to provide local input into the statewide transportation planning and project development process.
The TAC needs representation from each municipality in order to work effectively with the Vermont Agency of Transportation and others. Each year the TAC solicits input on local and regional transportation or traffic-related issues and problems.
Committee Members
- Addison – Vacant
- Bridport – Andrew Manning
- Bristol – Peter Grant
- Cornwall – Brian Kemp
- Ferrisburgh – Steve Huffaker
- Goshen – David Sabatini
- Leicester – Diane Benware
- Lincoln – Bill Finger
- Middlebury – Hugh McLaughlin
- Monkton – Debra Sprague
- New Haven – Mike Audy
- Orwell – Andrea Treadway, Vice Chair
- Panton – Howard Hall
- Ripton – Norm Tjossem
- Salisbury – Tom Scanlon
- Shoreham – Vacant
- Starksboro – Vacant
- Vergennes – Brent Rakowski, Chair
- Waltham – Brent Newton
- Weybridge – Vacant
- Whiting – Robert Wood
- VTrans (non-voting) – Faith Dall
- Addison – Christine Dubois
- Bridport – Ed Payne
- Bristol –
- Cornwall –
- Ferrisburgh – Keilani Lime
- Goshen –
- Leicester – Tom Barker
- Lincoln –
- Middlebury –
- Monkton – Steve Pilcher
- New Haven – John Roleau
- Orwell – Rex Corey
- Panton –
- Ripton – Jonathan Heppell
- Salisbury –
- Shoreham –
- Starksboro –
- Vergennes – Shannon Haggett
- Waltham –
- Weybridge –
- Whiting – Steve Queneville
The TAC meets eight to ten times a year (please review the latest Agenda here to view remaining scheduled meeting dates) on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are typically held at the ACRPC Offices on 14 Seminary St. in Middlebury, VT.
Mike Winslow
Recent Regional Transportation Studies
For transportation studies affecting a single town, please refer to the town’s page on this website. For up-to-date Public Transit information visit this page.
- Triangle Bike Loop Planning Study (Report, Online Map)
- Vergennes Economic Corridor (2018 Report)
- Vergennes Planning and Environment Linkages Study (2021-2025)
- Elderly & Disabled Transit Ridership 2020 Survey (Results)
Addison County Lake Champlain Byway Plan (Report)
- Vermont Western Corridor Transportation Management Plan – 2010 (Report)
Rutland RPC Route 22 Corridor Study – 2012 (Report)
- Addison County Transit Study – 2006 (Report)

Transportation Library
Additional Regional Transportation Resources
State Transportation Resources
- Complete Streets: A guide for Vermont communities
- Vermont Safe Routes to School Program
- Vermont Corridor Management Handbook
- Vermont State Standards (VSS)
- Vermont Construction Standard Drawings
- Vermont Engineering Instructions
- VTrans Program Development ~ Publications & Maps
- Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans)
- Vermont Local Roads Program
- Way to Go! Commuter Challenge
- Go Vermont
National Transportation Resources
For more information contact the ACRPC Transportation Planner Mike Winslow