ACRPC Committees

Delegates and alternates, aided by ACRPC staff, conduct much of the policy making and project implementation business of ACRPC within its committee structure. Addison County Regional Planning Commission currently has six committees. A brief introduction of each committee and a link to their work is provided below:

Executive Board: Minutes & Agendas
The Executive Board implements and supervises ACRPC policies and programs and it makes recommendations to the Full Commission.

Act 250 Committee: Minutes & Agendas

To review all Act 250 applications for a “significant regional impact” as defined in the Regional Plan and to support towns in the Act 250 process. If a regional impact exists, or if a town requests assistance, conduct a review of the application to determine whether it complies with the Regional Plan pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §6086(a)(10) and make a recommendation concerning a position to the Executive Board and Full Commission. Staff: Adam Lougee

Economic Development Committee: Minutes & Agendas

ACRPC is in the process of writing a Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (CEDS) for the Region and re-writing the Economy Section of the Addison County Regional Plan. ACRPC is doing this work in partnership with ACEDC. This Committee will work with the delegates of ACEDC to help staff write these Plans. It will also serve as the Brownfields review committee as necessary to implement that program.  Staff: Adam Lougee

Energy Committee: Minutes & Agendas
The Energy Committee sets priorities for regional energy policies, projects and issues, provides energy programs, and supports Town Energy Coordinators and their Committees. The Energy Committee of the Addison County Regional Planning Commission shall be responsible for implementing the policies, goals and recommended actions contained within the Energy Section of the Addison County Regional Plan. As such it shall be responsible for the following: 

  1. Establishing an ongoing educational process concerning energy issues within the Region;
  2. Supporting town energy coordinators in the Region, specifically helping them or other town officials to pursue heating for public buildings; 
  3. Finding funding opportunities for local energy generating projects; 
  4. Identifying possible locations for appropriate hydro, wind, solar or bio-fuels; 
  5. Supporting local or regional conservation programs; 
  6. Advising ACRPC’s full commission regarding ACRPC’s role in State Energy Policy

Staff: Maddison Shropshire

Housing Committee: Minutes & Agendas
The Housing Committee sets priorities for regional housing policies, projects and issues. ACRPC recently updated the Housing and Population sections of the Regional Plan. This Committee shall help staff implement that plan section.

Local Government Committee: Minutes & Agendas
The Local Government Committee conducts reviews of municipal plans for communities requesting regional confirmation of their planning process and regional approval of their municipal plan. The review shall be conducted pursuant to the criteria set forth in 24 V.S.A. §4350. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the committee shall make a recommendation for a vote of the Commission. Staff: Katie Raycroft-Meyer

Natural Resources Committee: Minutes & Agendas
This committee’s primary objective is to address topics concerning or impacting significant natural resources in the Region and make recommendations for policy or actions to the Executive Board and Commission. The Natural Resources Committee recently completed a complete revision of the Natural Resource Section of the Regional Plan and shall work with staff and committees to review and create projects that implement the plan’s goals. This year coordinating water quality projects for the Clean Water Service Provider is a priority. Staff: Hannah Andrew

Transportation Advisory Committee: Minutes & Agendas
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) conducts the transportation-planning role of the regional planning commission. It operates as an ad hoc subcommittee of the RPC and recommends priority transportation projects, makes recommendations for the selection of consultants, assigns any planning funds reserved to local planning projects from the transportation portion of the budget and makes recommendations for transportation related policy or actions to the Commission. The TAC constitutes a special committee of the ACRPC because its members are appointed directly by each Selectboard and may or may not also be members of ACRPC’s Commission. Commissioners desiring to serve on this committee should also speak with their Selectboard and make sure that the Selectboard has not already appointed a delegate to the TAC and request that the Selectboard approve their appointment to the committee. Staff: Mike Winslow

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