ACRPC Small Grants Announcement
Posted on March 18th, 2024 to Uncategorized
We are excited to announce that ACRPC has launched a Small Grants Program aimed at supporting our member municipalities in their planning efforts.
These grants are intended to facilitate municipal infrastructure, recreation, transportation, governance, or other planning improvements. Additionally, the grant funds can be used to provide local municipal volunteers with instate training opportunities to help them fulfill their responsibilities as members of Selectboards, Planning Commissions, etc.
The total amount of available funds is $75,000. Applications will be accepted, and awards will be granted, on a first-come first-served basis with a maximum amount per municipality capped at $10,000. Awarded funding should be obligated by June 30, 2024 and spent within 6 months. Each municipality shall submit a 1 page final report summarizing the results of their project, plus any plans or other tangible information produced.
For questions, or to apply, email Deron ([email protected]) or Adam ([email protected]).