West Central Vermont CEDS Workshop #1
Posted on May 18th, 2021 to Workshop
The workshop will be held from 6:00-7:30 PM via Zoom. Please RSVP using this form: https://forms.gle/d5zqWwLQ4XPTkLvX8
The Addison County Regional Planning Commission and Addison County Economic Development Corporation cordially invite you to join us to help shape future economic development efforts in Addison County and Vermont!
On June 10th at 6:00 PM, the ACRPC and ACEDC will host a workshop for local business leaders, regional stakeholders, municipal representatives and residents. The intent of the workshop is two-fold:
- The ACRPC and ACEDC seek to inform local leaders of our collaboration with partner regional planning commissions and regional development corporations in Addison, Chittenden, Orange, Rutland, and Washington counties to develop a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for West Central Vermont.
- The ACRPC and ACEDC seek to gather information from the regional stakeholders, local business leaders, municipalities and residents about regional economic strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and, most importantly, desired results (SOAR). This information will be used to help guide the development of a CEDS over the next year.
What is a CEDS?
A CEDS is strategy-driven plan for regional economic development. The ACRPC, ACEDC, and our partners seek to develop a CEDS that meets the US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) requirements.
Why develop a CEDS?
Adopting a CEDS can help our region set a strategic course for economic development efforts. An adopted CEDS can also open opportunities for additional Federal funding to support local economic development efforts (including funding from EDA).
Three regional CEDS have been adopted in Vermont to date (Northern Vermont Economic Development District, East Central Vermont Economic Development District, and Southern Vermont Economy Zone). Each of these CEDS has allowed its regions to become an EDD, and access EDA funds, to support projects and programs that further local economic development goals.
Is this my only opportunity to provide guidance and feedback?
No! A similar workshop focused on specific economic sectors (e.g. manufacturing, tourism, working lands, etc.) will be held in the region in late summer/early fall 2021. Additional engagement opportunities will also be available once a draft CEDS is released for public comment in the winter/spring of 2022.