Here’s how the LHMP creation or update process generally works:
- The state annually applies for funding from the FEMA BRIC program and reaches out to Municipality with soon-to-expire LHMP’s
- If the Municipality accepts the funding (it requires a 25% match of cash or time), they put together a Request For Proposals (RFP)
- RFPs are posted on the State Bid Registry and ACRPC often re-posts them on our RFP webpage
- Consultants put together and submit a proposal that generally include a schedule of steps and a budget
- Once selection is made, Municipality puts together a draft contract for the selected consultant to sign
- Consultant facilitates the creation or update of the LHMP and submits it to the state and FEMA for approval.
All LHMPs must meet the planning elements listed in the Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool in order to receive FEMA approval.
More information about Resources, Process, and Funding for Local Hazard Mitigation Plans can be found on the Vermont Emergency Management website, here: