ACRPC April 2023 Newsletter

Posted on April 7th, 2023 to Uncategorized

The ACRPC Newsletter contains Addison County announcements, events, grants, and training for the upcoming month. Click below to see this newsletter and other resources on our website. Please contact Maddison Shropshire with questions, [email protected] 

ACRPC Update

May the Fourth be with You!

ACRPC is launching an ongoing series of Zoning Roundtable Discussions, starting on Thursday May 4, from 5pm-6pm.

Town staff and committees involved in municipal zoning planning and implementation are invited to come for a brief presentation, discussion of issues and sharing of strategies around regionally-important zoning topics.

The first roundtable will focus on the ongoing process to update the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) across Addison County, and the need to check town plans and bylaws to make sure they meet current standards for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and make updates as necessary.

Future discussions will focus on increasing residential housing development, dealing with short term-rentals, and other topics of interest that you suggest!

Look for invitations and remote meeting information by email, or contact Andrew L’Roe ([email protected]) and Katie Raycroft-Meyer ([email protected]

Interns/Field Technicians Needed – Summer 2023

The Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC) seeks to hire an intern for a 10-week period between May and August of 2023 (Timing is flexible). This position is mainly field data collection for transportation and clean water planning efforts throughout the region. More information about ACRPC is available at our website.

April Calendar

April 10th4:30 PMWalk Bike Council of Addison County
April 12th5:30 PMACRPC Housing Committee
April 12th7:00 PMACRPC Full Commission Meeting
April 13th9:00 AMACRPC Brownfields Committee
April 20th7:00 PMACSWMD meeting
April 26th 6:30 PMACRPC Executive Committee Meeting

Please find the meeting agendas and minutes on our website using this link.

This newsletter is financed through the State of Vermont Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the State of Vermont. All programs of the Addison County Regional Planning Commission are ADA accessible.


Addison County Town Designations and Awards

  • Ferrisburgh has been granted the Municipal Planning Grant to develop a Trail and Travel Master Plan (hiking/biking/walking/skiing) that builds off existing  public and private trails throughout the community. The Ferrisburgh Trails Committee has been working towards realizing this master plan, conducting surveys and studying existing systems, and will continue to work with a consultant on this project. Ferrisburgh was also recently granted the Village Center Designation for Ferrisburgh Center. This state designation will support the community’s efforts revitalizing key buildings, commercial hubs and infrastructure in this historic village center.
  • Waltham has also been awarded the Municipal Planning Grant to work with ACRPC to update its municipal plan, bringing into compliance with Title 117’s forest Integrity requirements, aligning work done in the 2019 zoning revision, and focus on creating new opportunities for residential growth. As part of this work, the community will develop a Vision Statement for the future of Waltham.
  • Monkton was awarded the Transportation Alternatives Program Grant which provides funding for projects (click here for additional FHWA guidance), including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhancing mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation, trails that serve a transportation purpose, and safe routes to school projects.

ARPA Local Recovery Funding Reporting by 4/30

Municipalities (NEUs) are required to submit a Project and Expenditure Report (P&E Report) for their local ARPA awards by 4/30 of every year through 2027. The 2023 P&E Report will be available in the US Treasury’s online portal on 4/1. The next required reporting for local ARPA funds will be due by April 30, 2023 for ARPA expenditures April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023. VLCT set up weeklyARPA Reporting Office Hours on Thursdays, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm via Teams through April 27th For more information, see:

Local Emergency Management Plans (LEMP) updates

Annual Local Emergency Management Plans (LEMPs) will be due for update and Select Board signature after Town Meeting Day and before May 1stAnnual Mutual Aid Agreements for public works departments will also be sent to participating municipalities. Please reach out to ACRPC’s Emergency Management Planner, Andrew L’Roe at [email protected] with completed forms or with questions.

Maple Broadband is putting down roots in your neighborhood

They’re bringing high speed future-proof fiber internet to Addison County and are excited to announce that service will be launching later this month in portions of Cornwall, Salisbury, and a small corner of Middlebury. You can see if you are in the launch area  and learn more by visiting

Future of Vermont Action Team Launches Youth Opportunity Initiative Statewide Engagement Process

The Future of Vermont Action Team is launching a statewide Youth Opportunity Initiative, facilitated by the Vermont Council on Rural Development, to embark on a deep engagement process to draw input and  to identify strategies and action to advance youth opportunity, aspiration, and community connection. To learn more and stay up to date on progress of the Youth Opportunity Initiative and the Vermont Proposition, join the VCRD Partnership for the Future of Vermont mailing list and/or visit the Future of Vermont website.


VCRD Community Leadership Summit

VCRD is thrilled to announce the 2023 Vermont Community Leadership Summit! The event will take place on Tuesday, August 15 at Vermont Technical College in Randolph, Vermont. All people who care about their community and the future of our state are encouraged to attend. 

2023 Vermont Arbor Day Conference

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 Vermont Arbor Day Conference! Please join us for a full day of workshops, networking, award celebrations, and all things trees! Time: Friday, May 19th, 8:30am-3:30pm | Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center.

Addison County Legislative Breakfasts: 

April 10: Orwell Fire House, 604 Main Street, Orwell

The Bridport Grange #303 and the Addison County Farm Bureau are once again hosting a series of Addison County Legislative Breakfasts. All are welcome to attend – come ask a question or make a comment about a bill. Breakfasts will start at 7am; the program begins at 7:30am and will end at 8:45am. Purchase of breakfast is not required to attend, but it helps the hosts defray the cost of opening their venues for the event.

VLCT Announces New Federal Funding Assistance Program

In response to member requests, VLCT has created the Federal Funding Assistance Program (FFA). Modeled after the successful ARPA Assistance and Coordination Program, FFA expands VLCT’s work with ARPA to include the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL, aka Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, IIJA), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and other new and existing state and federal grant programs. As the program launches, VLCT has developed the following resources:


Library Capital Projects FundingThe  VT Department of Libraries has received funding from two initiatives to support local libraries in pursuing capital projects. To access this funding, libraries must respond to a needs assessment. An introductory webinar and additional information on the needs assessment can be found here.  Assessment Due: April 15 | Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]
New Manufactured Home Improvement & Repair Program LaunchedVermont State Housing Authority has launched the Manufactured Home Improvement & Repair Program, offering financial assistance to manufactured home communities as well as current and prospective manufactured home owners. The program will provide financial assistance for park improvements, home repair and foundation installation. To learn more, visit:
Community Recovery and Revitalization Program The Community Recovery and Revitalization Program (CRRP) will provide recovery funding for projects that spur economic recovery and revitalization to mitigate the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 in communities across the state. Program guidelines have now been posted on the ACCD website and the application will become available in the coming weeks.     Learn more: Here
Vermont Community Development GrantsThe Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP) assists communities on a competitive basis by providing financial and technical assistance to identify and address local needs in the areas of housing, economic development, public facilities, public services, handicapped accessibility and modification planning. Learn more: Here | Due: Rolling basis
Northern Border Regional Commission Announces 2023 Catalyst ProgramThe Commission expects to fund a wide variety of economic development projects in categories that include, but are not limited to infrastructure, workforce development, outdoor recreation, and childcare. LOI Due: [email protected] by April 21st at 5:00 PM. | Contact: Kristie Farnham, [email protected]
Clean Water
MARC Announces Release of Round 7 Request for Applications for DIBGMount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC) is pleased to announce the release of Round 7 Request for Applications for the Clean Water Design & Implementation Block Grant funded by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s Clean Water Initiative Program. (CWIP). This funding will support the design and implementation of clean water projects throughout the state of Vermont.Due: May 8th, 2023, 4:30 pm EST. | Learn More: Here
Design and Implementation Block Grant Open RoundWatersheds United Vermont (WUV) is pleased to announce a new round of funding under the Design and Implementation Block Grant (DIBG). Funding under the DIBG must be used to support the design or implementation of projects whose primary purpose is to reduce sediment and nutrient pollution from runoff and soil erosion that discharge into the State’s rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and wetlands. Contact: Christian Pelletier, ([email protected]). Due: April 21, 2023 | Learn More: Here
Water Quality Project Development Block GrantACRPC is administering a 2022 Environmental Conservation (DEC) Project Development Block Grant to subgrant funds to develop water quality improvement projects. Funds should be used for getting landowners, municipalities and other partners “on board” with projects to improve water quality and to move those projects towards design and implementation. All project work, invoicing and reporting must be complete by July 1, 2024.Activities covered by this grant include (but are not limited to):  reviewing and prioritizing water quality projects listed in sources like stormwater master plans or tactical basin plans; contacting landowners to assess interest and feasibility; reviewing permitting concerns; meeting with towns; working with partners and/or online tools to estimate phosphorus reduction potentialdeveloping basic concept drawingsIf you are interested in applying, you can find our RFP and other helpful information here. Contact: Hannah Andrew at [email protected]. Due: to [email protected] by May 5, 2023. 
Accessibility, Equity, & Inclusion
Vermont Healthy CommunitiesVDH and DHCD invite eligible Vermont communities* and residents over 18 years of age to apply for the Health Equity and Community Design Technical Assistance (TA) Pilot which provides extra capacity and resources and helps prepare communities that are interested in the DHCD’s Better Places placemaking grants. Closes in October | Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]
VCF Equitable and Inclusive Communities grant The Vermont Community Foundation is seeking proposals from Vermont villages, towns, and cities that close the opportunity gap by supporting local efforts to foster inclusion and belonging for people of all races and backgrounds. The Foundation offers grants of up to $10,000 to fund projects that generate a greater sense of community and equity education in town.Learn more: Here | Due: rolling basis until funds are used
Request for Proposals: Ben & Jerry’s Foundation 2023 Vermont Equity & Justice GrantThe Ben & Jerry’s Foundation announced the opening of its 2023 Vermont Equity & Justice Grant program with an allocation of $300,000. Beginning this summer, the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation will offer competitive grants of up to $20,000 to Vermont-based, non-profit organizations working to address racial, economic, social and environmental disparities in the state. Learn More | Due: May 1st
Municipal Energy Resilience ProgramEstablished by Act 172,the Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) will provide $45M in funding to help reduce municipal building energy usage, operating costs, and greenhouse gas emissions. No local match is required for this funding. The ACRPC Energy Webpage will provide updated information on this program moving forward. Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]
Weatherization Repayment Assistance ProgramWRAP will allow Vermont households to pay for qualifying weatherization projects like insulation and air sealing as well as heat pumps and advanced wood heating systems through a monthly charge on their utility bill that can be paid back over time. The program is open to Vermonters of all incomes and both homeowners and renters can participate in the program. Learn more: Here 
Natural Resource
NBRC Forest Economy Program (FEP) Now Open The Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) has opened its 2023 Forest Economy Program (FEP) competition. The Commission will make up to $7 million in grants available, with a maximum award of $1 million. Potential applicants must express interest through Letters of Interest. Due: Sept 15 by 5pm | Learn More: Here.
Emergency Preparedness 
Last Call for Flood Resilient Communities Fund Projects!ACRPC is working with the state of Vermont to provide options to landowners and homeowners through the Flood Resilient Communities Fund (FRCF).The program is voluntary and can fund up to 100% of project costs. The program can finance Structural and Vacant Lot buyouts including: Buyouts of buildings and developed properties with identified flood or erosion  Purchases of vacant, at-risk parcels to limit future development, Structural elevation projects, Structural relocation projects.Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through summer 2023. If awarded, project funding can be spent through 2026, and the property will be required to be maintained as green open space in perpetuityFor more information, please see the state program website: contact Andrew L’Roe, Emergency Management Planner at the Addison County Regional Planning Commission: [email protected] or call 802-388-3141 x3
Seeking Applications for Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure ImprovementsThe Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) is seeking grant applications for new infrastructure projects that improve access and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. A pre-application information and training webinar is planned for May 3, 2023, and potential applicants are strongly encouraged to participate. Learn More: Here | Contact: Peter Pochop, [email protected]
AOT Invites Municipalities to Participate in Road Grants ProgramThe Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) invites municipalities to participate in the Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program, which provides funding for municipalities to implement best management practices (BMPs) in accordance with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP). Learn More: Here | Due: May 5th
Intersections InitiativeThe initiative helps build capacity to apply for infrastructure funding to support active and public transportation projects and identify the policies and practices that make this a reality. In addition to the technical assistance offered by this program, the initiative has also developed an extremely useful funding sheet for bike/ ped infrastructure. Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]

Tools & Training

Preservation Trust of Vermont Retreat ScheduleUse this link to view the upcoming Preservation Trust retreats scheduled for the 2023 summer. Topics include outdoor recreation, Churches & Sacred places,Community revitalization through Nonprofit Ownership, Fundraising and Nonprofit management, Energy efficiency & historic preservation. 
Safer Fleets Challenge Webinar: Adopting Intelligent Speed Assistance Can Make Your Community a Better Place to Walk. Date/Time: April 11 @ 2pm | Register: Here 
Tier 2 River and Roads workshops:Workshop at VTrans Training Center (VTTC) in Berlin for Tier 2, a two-day training that is both indoors and outdoors. Bring, or wear, appropriate field clothesand waterproof boots or old sneakers you can get wet! Each day will be indoors for slideshows and class exercises and river flume table demonstrations and outdoors on rivers and streams to observe in the field what we’ve seen and discussed indoors.Time: 8:30am – 4:00pm | Date: May 17th & 18th @ 1716 Route 302 in BerlinRegister: Here | Contact: Staci Pomeroy: ([email protected])
Emergency Preparedness
Vermont Local Emergency Management CourseThis course will familiarize local EMDs and EMCs with major roles, responsibilities, and “how to do it” guidance, across all four phases of Emergency Management: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and RecoveryLOCATION: Virtual  |  DATE/TIME: April 10-13, 2023, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.REGISTRATIONClick Here  |  Contact: Andrew L’Roe, [email protected]
VLCT Equity Resources for MunicipalitiesThe VLCT Municipal Equity Toolkit is a ten-part online resource that covers everything from creating a municipal equity committee to building a framework and action plan to listing equity-related books, podcasts, and videos. It is free and available to all VLCT members and the public at
Efficiency Vermont 2023 Rebates – Are home or apartment improvement projects in store for 2023? If you plan to buy new appliances, make your space less drafty, or lower your energy costs, there may be a rebate for you. Combine those with federal tax credits and additional rebates from your electric or gas utility, and you’re on your way to some serious energy savings. Explore 2023 rebates here.
Green Saving Smart ProgramReaching Energy Equity Goals with GreenSavingSmart – GreenSavingSmart is a new service administered by Vermont’s five community action agencies that connects financial coaching with energy savings for low- and moderate-income Vermonters to ensure a cleaner, greener Vermont. Learn all about this initiative here. Contact Maddison Shropshire: [email protected] for more information.
Park your CARbon: May 15-19Want to try a different way of getting around? How about a healthy option, one that can save you some money and even be fun? You can reduce carbon pollution in Vermont and impact worldwide climate change by pledging to Park your CARbon. This is a one-week initiative to help change Vermonters’ transportation and commuting habits by encouraging green ways of travel. Try it for a day, a week, or make it an ongoing habit. Bike. Walk. Share your ride. Work from home. Every trip counts. Even small ones! Take the Pledge.
Natural Resources
Pollinator PathwaysOur recording of  “Creating Habitat for Vt. Butterflies in Gardens and Farms” by Ray Moranz is now available on our YouTube channel, There you can also view our other webinars from 2022. There is one more Spring event in April, with Mike Bald, from “Got Weeds?” on Invasives. April 19 7-8:30 pm, and this one will be a Zoom Meeting, not through Eventbrite! Look for notification on FPF and in the Addison Independent. Registration will be via our email address. Pollinator Pathways has Town Facilitators for the different towns in Addison County, and we’d love to have you join us!  Contact: [email protected]  
Vermont Coverts Woodlands for Wildlife Cooperator Training This program connects you with resource professionals, landowners and others while learning how you can improve your woodlands. There are 2 opportunities to attend: April 21-23 at Northwoods Stewardship Center in East Charleston orSeptember 8-10 at Kehoe Conservation Camp in Castleton. Learn More: | Contact: Lisa Sausville at 802-877-2777 or e-mail [email protected]. This Training is* FREE *(a $100 deposit, refundable upon completion, is required to hold your spot).
2023 Vermont Arbor Day ConferenceFriday, May 19th, 8:30am-3:30pm at Vermont Technical College, Randolph CenterVermont Urban & Community Forest Program is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 Vermont Arbor Day Conference! Please join them for a full day of workshops, networking, award celebrations, and all things trees! Conference cost is $50, lunch is included. Student rate is $20. Limited scholarships are available. Registration deadline is May 5th. More at 

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