Posted on August 9th, 2023 to Uncategorized

The ACRPC Newsletter contains Addison County announcements, events, grants, and training for the upcoming month. Click below to see this newsletter and other resources on our website. Please contact Deron Rixon with questions, [email protected]

Addison County was largely spared the major effects of July flooding (declared a statewide disaster, DR7420), but several municipalities had several inches of rain and severe flash flooding on the evening of August 4-5.

For DR7420, Addison County has been officially declared for Public Assistance (along with all VT counties except for Grand Isle, Franklin and Essex). This means that in Addison County those town organizations, schools, and certain non-profit organizations affected by the storm will be eligible for up to 75% federal share in recovery costs to rebuild again. VEM has a team of individuals ready to assist in this process and has posted answers to some commonly asked questions here: 

However, Addison County has NOT qualified for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program for DR7420, based on the amount of private residential damage across the county. Assessments of the August flooding are still ongoing. If your property was significantly damaged, start by documenting as much as you can (take pictures of the damages, save receipts, any contractor estimates, etc.) and contact your insurance company to see if they will cover any of the repair costs. Please encourage homeowners and businesses with damages to call VT 2-1-1 or visit 

For questions or more information, contact ACRPC Emergency Management Planner, Andrew L’Roe at [email protected] or check our webpage:

This newsletter is financed through the State of Vermont Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the State of Vermont. All programs of the Addison County Regional Planning Commission are ADA accessible.

Demolition Derby, Tractor Pulling… and 22A Truck Traffic!

Addison County’s much anticipated 75th annual Fair & Field Days gets underway Tuesday August 8, at the Field Days Complex in Vergennes and winds up on Saturday August 12. This year, in addition to the many fun events that bring in families and friends from all over our county and beyond, Community liaison Jim Gish will be hosting an informational display in the Lucien D. Paquette Exhibit Hall that brings the public up-to-date on an ongoing study to evaluate transportation alternatives that would reduce the impact of large trucks on VT Route 22A and downtown Vergennes. The study is also looking at ways to enhance the quality of life and improve economic well-being of Vergennes and the surrounding communities of Waltham, New Haven, Ferrisburgh, Panton, Addison, and Weybridge. Jim will be asking for the public’s input on five alternative truck routes that are currently being studied. Funded and led by the Vermont Agency of Transportation in close collaboration with the Addison County Regional Planning Commission, the Vergennes PEL Study will make its final recommendations in 2024.

Regional Housing Survey

ACRPC’s Housing Committee has developed a Regional Housing Survey with the goal of gaining a better understanding of individual communities’ issues. This survey is intended to solicit feedback about individuals’ current housing status, their housing plans for the future as well as their perception of the housing situation in their town. These responses will help us better understand the scope and scale of current housing issues in our region’s municipalities, such as availability, affordability (cost) and choice. With this information, we can better identify appropriate resources and programs for individual communities and work towards solutions that best address their specific housing issues. We have started to distribute this survey in August.

August Calendar

(There is no full Regional Planning Commission meeting in August)
August 9th12:00 PMAC Regional Emergency Management Committee Quarterly Meeting
August 16th6:30 PMTAC Meeting
August 23rd6:30 PMACRPC Executive Board Meeting
Please find the meeting agendas and minutes on our website:

ACRPC Welcomes Deron Rixon as a New Planner.

Deron joins the ACRPC after most recently completing his Bachelors in Wildlife Biology from the University of Vermont. Before that, Deron served 5 years on active duty as an aircraft mechanic in the U.S. Navy. Deron is originally from Rutland and is excited by the opportunity to connect with and experience the different communities of Addison County. Deron will be working on a wide variety of projects for ACRPC including Natural resources and water quality work, land use planning, and energy work. Please help us welcome Deron when you see him!

The Town of Monkton is seeking a zoning administrator.  

Monkton estimates that the job will be somewhere between 1/3rd and 1/2 a full time equivalent.  People interested in applying should call the Monkton Town Clerk at 802-453-3800.  Additionally, if any other municipalities within the Addison Region also need to hire a zoning administrator, Monkton would be willing to share expenses and the Addison County Regional Planning Commission would be willing to work with Communities to create a position to support those services and facilitate cooperation between its municipal members. If any communities are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please call Adam Lougee, Executive Director at (802) 233-5420.

Ilsley Library Design Ideas Presentation- August 9th

Over the past two years the Ilsley 100 Project Team has worked with the community to develop a vision for a new library building, to determine the scope of the project, and to select design teams to participate in a design competition. On August 9th, at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall Theater, three design teams will present their conceptual designs for a renovated and expanded Ilsley Public Library. After the presentations, community members will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the designs.Contact: [email protected] | Location: Town Hall Theater, South Pleasant Street, Middlebury, VT 

2023 Vermont Community Leadership Summit: August 15

The Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) has announced their 2023 Vermont Community Leadership Summit: Strengthening Skills, Capacity, and Opportunity for the Future! The event will take place on Tuesday, August 15 at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Learn more at

ACORN’s Tour De Farms – September 17th

This year’s Tour is Sunday, September 17 in Shoreham. We are limiting tickets to 500 riders, and we did sell out last year! Ride and enjoy the best that Vermont has to offer, from glorious scenery to delicious samples of foods that are grown or produced here in Addison County, Vermont. Choose the longer 30-mile ride or a family-friendly 10-mile route each with farm stops along the way and meet the wonderful people who produce the food and goods you enjoy throughout the year. This is ACORN’s largest fundraiser and supports our programs such as the ACORN Food Hub and Farmacy: Food is Medicine program. Register early to save money! Ticket prices increase August 19.

Vermont Emergency Preparedness Conference- September 20th – 21st at Burke Mountain Hotel and Conference Center. You can register here: 2023 Vermont Emergency Preparedness Conference Registration

Save the Date: United Way of Addison County Days of Caring 2023

The annual two days of “extreme volunteering” will be back this fall on September 21 and 23. During Days of Caring, we connect hundreds of volunteers with dozens of nonprofits for two days of hard work, laughter, and making a change in our community. If you’d like to volunteer – individually or as a group – please reach out to Amy Hoekstra at 802-388-7189, ext. 207.

Save the Date: Vermont Works for Women Women Can Do Conference: October 5

Women Can Do is a one-day career exploration fair for high school girls and gender-expansive youth to learn about STEM and trades fields. Students participate in dozens of hands-on activities, meet Vermont professionals and employers, and explore a variety of education and career pathways. Learn More: Here

EAN’s 2023 Network Summit on September 28 Connect with other Network members and public sector partners, learn more about where Vermont stands relative to our energy and emissions reduction commitments, and help choose Network priorities to make breakthrough energy progress, while creating a more just, thriving, and sustainable future for Vermonters. This year we will also be hosting a second half-day on September 29 for Network Action Teams to collaborate, learn from one another, and problem solve together. Accommodation at Sugarbush the night of September 28 is also an option for those who would enjoy a chance for more informal networking. Learn more about the summit and register today.

Emergency Management
Property Buyouts following the July 2023 Flooding
Grant funding is available to cover 100% of the project cost for the voluntary purchase of properties (residential, commercial, or vacant parcels) that are at risk from flooding. If a property owner is considering pursuing a voluntary buyout, or if a municipality has property owners who may be interested, please fill out this intake form:
VEM will then direct them to the appropriate application materials in the next few weeks.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant Program
An annual FEMA funding program that supports states, local communities, and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects to reduce the risk from natural hazards. Cost Share: 75% federal, 25% local non-federal (cash and/or in-kind); 90% federal share is available for some communities

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
The HMGP program is funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is administered by Vermont Emergency Management on behalf of the state. Typically, federal funds are available to cover up to 75% of approved project costs; and there is a 25% local match requirement that is the responsibility of the applicant town. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis as funding is available. Learn More: Here | Due: Spring 2024
Bylaw Modernization Grants
In fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023– June 30, 2024), the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has funding to grant to municipalities for land use, development, and zoning bylaw updates in support of a pedestrian-oriented development pattern that increase housing choice, affordability, and opportunity in areas planned in accordance with Vermont’s smart growth principles. This funding is intended to help municipalities confront the State’s housing shortage and ready areas for new housing investments. Municipalities may submit an individual application for a maximum of $25,000 or apply with other municipalities as part of a multi-town application, which are eligible for grants of up to a $60,000 maximum. Bylaw Modernization Grant projects must be completed within 24 months. The grant term will be January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025. No time extensions will be granted. Learn More: Here | Due: November 1, 2023 

Building Communities Grants This program, administered by BGS, includes the following:1) $300,000.00 – Recreational Facilities Grant Program2) $300,000,00 – Regional Economic Development Grant Program3) $150,000.00 – Human Services Facilities Grant Program4) $150,000.00 – Educational Facilities Grant Program These grants are for construction and capital improvements to support and strengthen Vermont towns and regions. Due: September 10, 2023 |  Learn More: Here 

New Manufactured Home Improvement & Repair Program Launched
Vermont State Housing Authority has launched the Manufactured Home Improvement & Repair Program. The program will provide financial assistance for park improvements, home repair and foundation installation. Learn More: Here.

Community Recovery and Revitalization Program
Program guidelines have been posted on the ACCD website and the application is OPEN NOW. The Community Recovery and Revitalization Program (CRRP) will provide recovery funding for projects that spur economic recovery and revitalization to mitigate the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 in communities across the state.   Learn more: Here | Due: Rolling basis 
Municipal Energy Resilience Program*ASSESSMENT APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN*Established by Act 172,the Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) will provide $45M in funding to help reduce municipal building energy usage, operating costs, and greenhouse gas emissions. No local match is required for this funding. The ACRPC Energy Webpage will provide updated information on this program moving forward. Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]

Weatherization Repayment Assistance Program
WRAP will allow Vermont households to pay for qualifying weatherization projects like insulation and air sealing as well as heat pumps and advanced wood heating systems through a monthly charge on their utility bill that can be paid back over time. The program is open to Vermonters of all incomes and both homeowners and renters can participate in the program. Learn more: Here 

New Funding for EV Charging Available!
The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) has contracted with Green Mountain Power (GMP) to administer a new round of the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Grant Program. Pre-applications for the new round of funding are now available! This new round will allocate $3 million to charging at multi-unit properties (priority given to properties with less 20 units), $2 million to workplace charging (priority given to employers with fewer than 100 employees), and $2 million to EV charging at public attractions. Click here to complete the preapplication form.
Municipalities that are interested in supporting EV charging in their community can do so through the adoption of EVSE-friendly development regulations. Businesses, nonprofits, and public entities that are interested in hosting EV charging at their location, as well as EV service providers, are encouraged to complete a survey to help the state gauge interest and capacity for EV charging. Individuals who are interested in purchasing an EV or plug-in hybrid can find information about various models, as well as federal and state incentives at Drive Electric VT has also created an interactive map of statewide public EV charging.

Solar for All Grants
Vermont’s congressional delegation, along with the head of the U.S. EPA, launched a $7 billion grant program this week that is meant to increase access to affordable solar energy. Solar for All aims to help with two issues: transitioning away from fossil fuels and ensuring working families can afford solar energy. States, tribal governments, municipalities, and eligible non-profits can apply for the grants by September 26, 2023. Learn More: Here
Accessibility, Equity, & Inclusion
Vermont Healthy Communities
VDH and DHCD invite eligible Vermont communities* and residents over 18 years of age to apply for the Health Equity and Community Design Technical Assistance (TA) Pilot which provides extra capacity and resources and helps prepare communities that are interested in the DHCD’s Better Places placemaking grants. Closes in October | Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected]

VCF Equitable and Inclusive Communities grant 
The Vermont Community Foundation is seeking proposals from Vermont villages, towns, and cities that close the opportunity gap by supporting local efforts to foster inclusion and belonging for people of all races and backgrounds. The Foundation offers grants of up to $10,000 to fund projects that generate a greater sense of community and equity education in town. Learn more: Here | Due: rolling basis until funds are used
Natural Resources
DEC Water Quality Project Development Block Grants
ACRPC is administering a 2022 Environmental Conservation (DEC) Project Development Block Grant to subgrant up to $34,000 to develop water quality improvement projects. Funds should be used for getting landowners, municipalities and other partners “on board” with projects to improve water quality and to move those projects towards design and implementation. All project work, invoicing and reporting must be complete by July 1, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and can be sent to Hannah Andrew [email protected]. Learn More: Here.

NBRC Forest Economy Program (FEP) Now Open 
The Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) has opened its 2023 Forest Economy Program (FEP) competition. The Commission will make up to $7 million in grants available, with a maximum award of $1 million. Potential applicants must express interest through Letters of Interest. Due: Sept 15 by 5pm | Learn More: Here.
Intersections Initiative
The initiative helps build capacity to apply for infrastructure funding to support active and public transportation projects and identify the policies and practices that make this a reality. In addition to the technical assistance offered by this program, the initiative has also developed an extremely useful funding sheet for bike/ ped infrastructure. Contact: Maddison Shropshire, [email protected] 

Emergency Management
Vermont Local Emergency Management Director Course
This course will familiarize Local Emergency Management Directors (EMD) and Coordinators (EMC) with major roles, responsibilities, and “how to do it” guidance, across all four phases of Emergency Management. NOTE: for virtual trainings, attendees will receive an email with connection instructions the day before the training. LOCATION: HYBRID- Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad- Londonderry, VTDATE/TIME: August 17, 2023, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System: 

MGT 417: Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents for Key Decision Makers
Rural schools, law enforcement, other emergency responders, and community stakeholders are often limited in their access to resources, so it is imperative that all potentially affected parties collaborate in planning, preparation, communication, response, and recovery in the event of a school-based incident. Moreover, these affected parties must come together to practice their interoperable skills through drills and exercises to ensure the strategies in place provide for an effective crisis response and collaborative recovery. With the intent of building upon the foundation of the AWR 148 course and utilizing an all-hazards approach, this two-day course will provide content instruction, develop concept-specific skills, and provide opportunities for law enforcement, school personnel, and community stakeholders to collaboratively apply the course objectives in scenario-based applications. 

LOCATION: Missisquoi Valley Union Middle and High School, Swanton, VTDATE/TIME: September 11, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. & September 12, 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: VT National Guard Training Facility- Norwich University,  Northfield, VTDATE/TIME: October 9, 2023, 8:00am- 4:00pm & October 10, 2023, 8:00am- 3:30pm

LOCATION: Brattleboro Fire Department, Brattleboro, VTDATE/TIME: October 19, 2023, 8:00am- 4:00pm & October 20, 2023, 8:00am- 3:30pm
VLCT Training Opportunities
Town Fair 2023:
September 26, 2023 8:00 AM – September 27, 3:30 PM at DoubleTree by Hilton

Preservation Trust of Vermont Retreat Schedule
~Fundraising and Project Management, September 13-14, 2023
~Energy Efficiency and Historic Preservation, October 10-11, 2023
Use this link to view details of the upcoming Preservation Trust retreats for 2023: 
VLCT Equity Resources for Municipalities
The VLCT Municipal Equity Toolkit is a ten-part online resource that covers everything from creating a municipal equity committee to building a framework and action plan to listing equity-related books, podcasts, and videos. 

Vermont Health Equity Planning Toolkit
Municipalities, Regional Planning Commissions, State agency partners, non-profit/for-profit organizations, and Vermonters who are curious should find this document beneficial in determining how and why to take steps toward creating a healthier and more inclusive Vermont. These steps could include but are not limited to, improvements to policy, bylaws, community engagement, and infrastructure to promote healthy and inclusive communities. Learn More »

Vermont Professionals of Color Network Financial Literacy Series
VT POC is excited to offer a free year-long series on financial literacy. Each month, they will have a curated topic led by experts in the field from across the state. This event is for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community members as an affinity space for the purpose of bringing together Vermonters of color from across the state to build community. Learn More »
Efficiency Vermont Button up Campaign Kickoff Webinar
This virtual campaign kickoff begins at noon on Wednesday August 9th will cover the details of the 2023 campaign, including how you can help spread the word about the benefits of weatherization in your community. Register here.

Efficiency Vermont 2023 RebatesExplore 2023 rebates here.

Green Saving Smart Program GreenSavingSmart connects financial coaching with energy savings for low- and moderate-income Vermonters.
Natural Resources
VT Urban and Community Forestry Program Safe Tree Removal Workshops
The Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program is offering a series of hands-on workshops for municipal highway crews, state and municipal staff, public works crews, and other grounds crews that include tree removal in their work. There will be 3 trainings held 8/15 in Montpelier, 8/22 in Rutland, and 8/29 in St. Albans Town. Learn More: | Contact: Joanne at [email protected] 

Vermont Coverts Woodlands for Wildlife Cooperator Training 
This program connects you with resource professionals, landowners and others while learning how you can improve your woodlands. There is one remaining opportunity to attend: September 8-10 at Kehoe Conservation Camp in Castleton. Learn More: | Contact: Lisa Sausville at 802-877-2777 or e-mail [email protected]. This Training is* FREE *(a $100 deposit, refundable upon completion, is required to hold your spot).

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