ACRPC serves the 21 towns of the Addison Region and provides assistance on a range of community development activities and issues. ACRPC provides leadership and technical expertise to encourage cooperative planning within and among the region’s communities and area-wide interests.

Mission & History

The mission of ACRPC is to provide a forum for municipalities to discuss and resolve mutual concerns, to provide assistance to municipalities with the planning process and information gathering, to develop a regional plan, and to be a central repository of planning information.

ACRPC was established in 1967 when the Vermont Legislature passed measures enabling municipalities to join together to form regional commissions.

ACRPC promotes community development within the Addison Region and its member municipalities by providing planning expertise, information and a forum to discuss and resolve community needs and concerns.

What We Do

Along with ten other regional planning commissions around the state, Addison County RPC was established by the legislature to:

  • Promote economic development, increasing jobs and income
  • Preserve the natural beauty of Vermont
  • Obtain and maintain efficiency in government expenditure
  • Safeguard and extend local autonomy in planning and development decisions

How We Work Regional Collaboration

ACRPC does this through commissioners who are appointed by town Selectboards. This group of town Delegates and Alternates meets monthly and each commissioner serves on at least one committee.

In order to support and implement its work, ACRPC has an Executive Director and seven full-time staff members. Staff members work with ACRPC’s Commissioners and committees to implement the regional plan through ACRPC’s work plan and contractual obligations.

On our site you will find information about our planning activities, committees, towns, and the Regional Plan.

Minutes & Agendas

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