ACRPC Supports The ACRWC
Posted on August 19th, 2021 to Press Releases
The ACRPC maintained its support of the Addison County River Watch Collaborative over the last year through 604b funding granted by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. The ACRPC supported the ACRWC with technical assistance and outreach of water quality sampling results to municipalities and the general public in the Addison Region. Activities were coordinated through the ACRWC Board, its Managing Director, and the DEC Watershed Coordinator. The ACRPC participated in Board meetings and subcommittee meetings and developed maps, web content, and other outreach material for municipalities and the public.
Summary of Relevant Activities
- Website support and press releases
- Quality assurance project plan w/sample locations and parameters
- Sampling coordination and sample delivery to labs
- Public outreach documents including summary sheets of Middlebury River, New Haven River, and Lewis Creek, as well as information regarding recent contaminant levels at eight observed recreational sites
- Technical support in the form of data management, mapping services, online data access, and preliminary build-out for online mapping dashboard
- Discussion about grant opportunities