American Rescue Plan Act Funding

Vermont will receive more than $1.25 billion of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funding from ARPA. While the legislature and the governor will determine how more than $1 billion of that funding will be spent, Congress directed nearly $200 million of that funding directly to Vermont’s cities, towns, and villages. City councils and selectboards will have discretion over how to spend their allocations

Guidance for Municipal and County Funds

Addison County’s municipalities have each directly received ARPA funding with amounts based on their population. City councils and Selectboards will have discretion over how to spend their allocations.

For Guidance on Municipal Fund Spending, see our webpage with more details here:

Guidance for State Funds

The Vermont Legislature appropriated ARPA funds to a number of Vermont agencies and entities, which can be leveraged using municipal ARPA CSLFRF funds. Through 2022 Addison County has received over $7 million across 9 projects.

See 2022 Governor’s Annual Report of the ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Fund

The State of Vermont has created a single document found HERE  for all State Fiscal Recovery Fund (State ARPA) programs that are available to municipalities as eligible applicants. This is an excellent resource for towns, cities and villages interested in leveraging their local ARPA awards.

The VT Finance website also has a full and updated list, which includes:

Grants to Schools

Grants for Water, Drainage and Septic Projects

Grants for Development Projects

Grants for Broadband Projects

Grants for Energy Projects

VEM- Flood Resilient Communities Fund

Applications due: March 31, 2023

The Flood Resilient Communities Fund intends to provide matching grants to government entities, non-profit entities, and individuals to mitigate flood hazards by addressing water and sewer infrastructure needs in accordance with the CWSRF and DWSRF. The Flood Resilient Communities Fund’s goal is improving landscape and community resilience and reducing the future public safety and water quality impacts of climate-related flood hazards in Vermont, focusing on buyouts of flood-vulnerable properties. The program will prioritize projects in communities and/or for homeowners with greatest economic need and projects that mitigate repetitive loss among low-income and marginalized portions of the population. Where feasible, funding under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs will be utilized first. This funding will predominately be for projects that are not eligible under existing HMA programs and should be used to leverage other funding sources or fill funding gaps to make projects viable.

ANR- Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Programs

Between July 2021 and June 2022, the Agency of Natural Resources will distribute $100 million of ARPA funds to support water and wastewater infrastructure programs. The Agency of Natural Resources is currently developing the appropriate funding criteria and will finalize the criteria in the coming months. Once the criteria have been established, there will be guidance provided and specific individuals to contact with questions.

  1. Treating stormwater runoff from larger sites
  2. Reducing sewer overflows
  3. Improving water and sewer infrastructure in mobile home parks
  4. Providing financial assistance to low-income homeowners with failed septic systems and/or wells
  5. Developing community sewer systems in some of the villages that lack such systems
  6. Designing and installing pretreatment processes to address high strength or toxic wastewater commonly seen in craft brewing, dairy and meat processing and other small industries.

If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call Elle O’Casey at 802-760-9967.

Guidance for Federal Funds

To find out which new federal grants opportunities are right for your municipality, check out VLCT’s Vermont Federal Funding Guidebook

This list includes a number of different opportunities grouped by theme, including:

  • Transportation Infrastructure & Safe Streets
  • Climate, Energy, & the Environment
  • Broadband

And many more!

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