Energy Savings Resources

Please contact Maddison Shropshire [email protected] with questions.

Photo by Elsie Sutton

Home Efficiency and Weatherization

Your home is one of the best places to implement energy efficiency in your life. It will save you money, make your home more comfortable, and prevent against future maintenance or health issues. Below you will find information to support you through an energy efficiency or weatherization project including the rebates, financing, and programs available to help.

If you don’t have a specific project in mind, you might consider having a professional energy audit done to identify the most cost effective options specific to your home. There are many qualified companies that can perform an audit. Find an approved contractor near you through the Efficiency VT portal:

cross section diagram of home with energy efficient features, solar panels, electric car, insulation
Source: Efficiency VT

Energy efficiency in the home can come from a wide variety projects and changes. Efficiency VT, Green Mountain Power and Vermont Gas all provide rebates to help you reduce to cost of making those changes. Find out more at their websites below:

If you are planning on bigger energy efficiency and weatherization projects in your home, you may need to consider your financing options. The programs listed on the next tab will help guide you through these options if you choose to contact them. If not, you can find out more about the main energy related financing options below.

Efficiency VT Home Energy Loan

Neighborworks of Western VT Energy Loan

Bank of Middlebury Home Energy Loan

If you are in need of guidance through the weatherization and home efficiency process there are plenty of organizations designed to help. These groups can support you through getting an audit, identifying projects and contractors, and determining which financing options might be right for you.

Green-Saving Smart

Green-Saving Smart is a new program from the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity that provides financial energy coaching services. These coaches help participants to develop a personalized spending plan, explore savings opportunities, and identify ways to reduce energy usage. They then support you in accessing the resources to achieve these goals with guidance throughout the process. More information about the coaching experience can be found here

Eligibility: This program is designed to serve any household at or below 80% State Median Family Income (MFI) OR or at or below 120% MFI if you identify as belonging to a Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC), New American, or single parent head-of-household.

You can connect with this program in one of two ways:

  1. Complete the application online using this link. Your energy coach will contact you directly with next steps.
  2. Jen Myers is the Finance and Energy Coach for Addison County. She can be reached by phone at (802) 860 – 1417, extension 113 or by email at [email protected].

Green-Saving Smart is part of the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity which also provides low to no cost weatherization work for qualified clients. Contact the Finance and energy coach above to learn more about this opportunity.

HEAT Squad

HEAT Squad is part of the non-profit Neighborworks of Western VT and has been operating in Addison Co. for many years. It is well respected for its client services and the connections it has built with other energy efficiency programs and incentives. HEAT Squad will help to plan and coordinate your project providing energy audits, home and energy loans and incentives, and help to identify contractors to complete the work.

Eligibility: The HEAT Squad is able to serve anyone in the region.

You can connect with this program by:

  1. Completing the form on their website.
  2. Contact HEAT Squad via phone at 802-438-2303 or email [email protected] and indicate you are interested in weatherizing your home.

3E Thermal

Do you live in an apartment or own rental properties? There is a program especially designed to support you through weatherization and energy efficiency.

3E Thermal offers both cash incentives and technical support for installing energy efficiency upgrades in qualified Vermont apartment buildings. They work with all owners – nonprofit, for-profit, and municipal – across Vermont to:

  • analyze a building’s energy performance
  • work with the building’s owner to develop energy efficiency solutions
  • offer cash incentives to create greener buildings
  • provide contractors with effective, leading-edge techniques
  • educate building professionals about state-of-the-art energy efficiency
  • serve as the central communication hub on energy upgrade projects.

Contact 3E Thermal by email or phone: [email protected]  802 477-5092

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