ACRWC Volunteer Experience

The most common way to volunteer with ACRWC is to join a team of water quality samplers. One morning each month from April to September, these teams visit established sites on Addison County rivers to collect water samples. These samples are then transferred to a laboratory for analysis.

ACRWC Monitoring Protocols

Click here to learn more about how to volunteer with ACRWC!

Addison County River Watch Collaborative’s monitoring protocols are rigorous and strictly followed. We can only expect our data to be useful if all our volunteers proceed according to our EPA-approved methods. In order for our data to be considered valid, we file a Quality Assurance Protection Plan with EPA (through the State of Vermont DEC) every year.  Our ACRWC Field Manual spells out our sampling protocols in a step-by-step manner and the following videos demonstrate some of our field practices.

Sample Training Video

Turbidity Tube Demo Video

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