Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Chair: Bob Groff, Panton
Vice-Chair: Erik Eriksen, Ripton
Representative to statewide committees (LEPC, THIRA/SPR, IPPW): Dan Kuzio, Starksboro
REMC Bylaws (Approved 11/9/2022)
The Addison County Regional Emergency Management Committee (REMC) is made up of Local Emergency Management Directors and Emergency Services Representatives from each municipality in the region. Representatives from fire departments, emergency medical services, law enforcement, media, transportation, hospitals, the department of health district office, organizations serving vulnerable populations, and any other interested public or private individual or organization, are welcome to attend and participate!
The REMC conducts All-Hazards preparedness planning and coordinates with Vermont Emergency Management (VEM), the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), and the new Statewide Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). The Addison County RPC provides administrative support, including taking meeting minutes, with funding from VEM. REMCs have access to competitive grant funding (e.g. Homeland Security, Hazard Mitigation).
The REMC prepares an annually updated plan that includes:
- Regional contact information,
- Regional resources,
- Regional mutual aid agreements
For more information, contact ACRPC’s Emergency Management Planner Andrew L’Roe, at [email protected]